Category: Blog
How Yoga Can Improve Your Core Strength
Yoga can be a great exercise for your abs, back, and core. It improves muscle strength and endurance, making it a beneficial exercise for both professional athletes as well as beginners. The two sides of the abdominal muscles are called the external oblique muscles and the internal oblique muscles. Yoga can help you with strengthening…
How To Travel Safely as A Woman
Having traveled over the last ten years, you may well have noticed a rise in the number of sexual assaults and other acts of violence against women around the globe. Several factors contribute to this alarming trend, including the growth of international travel and rising acceptance of female independence and freedom, but it isn’t easy…
5 Reasons to Keep Your Kit On
This may seem like a strange post, but have you ever thought why exactly we wear clothes and if so, are you like me and didn’t realise that it was for so many reasons?! This is just an interesting post about why we keep our kit on and what it means when we do. Protection…
Organising Your Garage: Why And How
Garages are now an integral part of a home. Homeowners hire some of the best Custom Garage Builders for designing their additional storage facility. However, oftentimes they fail to keep the space tidy. Do you have an untidy garage that you hate to go into? If you do, then organising your garage might be the…
4 Fashions to Embrace
Fashions come and go, but however long they last, certain ones will be embraced more than others. We shall look at some fashions past and present that are still memorable whenever and wherever they are worn. Flares In fashion, flares are a type of trouser style. It did not take off big style until the…