Category: Herbal Remedies

  • How Cannabis Products Can Help with Anti-Inflammation

    How Cannabis Products Can Help with Anti-Inflammation

    For many, cannabis is a way to escape from chronic pain caused by injuries and arthritis and treat anxiety and depression. New research is increasingly showing that cannabis has another use: it helps with inflammation. Read more. Understanding Inflammation Inflammation is a natural part of our bodies, but it can often go a bit too…

  • What is Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome?

    What is Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome?

    Have you ever heard of the term “endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome”? If you have, you might have seen it thrown around some places, but you probably don’t know what it means. CECD has been a condition debated for years but is on the rise, with more people coming forward with their symptoms. Although you might have…

  • How To Ensure You’re Getting Good CBD Products

    How To Ensure You’re Getting Good CBD Products

    Before we get started, you will notice that we’ve taken a peculiar approach to our blog name. The reason is quite simple: the word “CBD” is not trademarked by any organization or company so that we can use it freely. CBD is a type of cannabinoid that is found in both marijuana and hemp, which…

  • How Can CBD Oil Help Your Health?

    How Can CBD Oil Help Your Health?

    There is a lot of confusion surrounding CBD. People curious about CBD usually have various questions about the strains of cannabis (for instance, here is an article that highlights just the same – as well. They experience a lot of frustration when trying to understand the many CBD brands and products available. So, we…